Did you know that mills and lathes can be rebuilt at a significant savings to you? Our exhaustive re-manufacturing process “from the base to spindle” will restore your machines to meet new performance and geometric specifications. The work on your machine will include but not limited to:
- Grinding and hand scraping of machine ways.
- Refit or replace, as required, table, saddle and knee gibs.
- Apply chrome to knee and saddle ways.
- Replacement of X, Y, Z acme feed screws and nuts.
- Re-manufacture of the 2J head. This will include the following:
- Refit a new quill to your honed J housing.
- Replace all head drive belts and bearings.
- All out of spec parts in the vari drive assembly will be replaced.
- The spindle R8 collet seat will be reground on its new spindle bearings.
- Finally, the whole machine will get a new paint job.